Here’s a sample from GiggleMed’s funny list of Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Woman
OK, so my wife is pregnant with #5. But, I have learned a lot since #1…
When we were med students, I made a comment that I thought she’d find funny. We were walking up a steep hill in the middle of Pennsylvania (an area I affectionately refer to as Pennsyltucky). My wife was 8 and a half months pregnant and visibly getting winded as we neared the top of the hill. I waited patiently… but waiting and silence, for me, is usually a bad combo. It’s usually a time that I try to make a joke – but not ideal because invariably, that’s a time when jokes are forced (and not spontaneous).
Nonetheless, I offered a point worthy of deep reflection… “Yeah, I know it must be tough, but at least we’re not salamanders. Apparently, some salamanders have a gestation period of up to 38 months.”
It didn’t go over well.
So, this time, with #5, I decided to get her some maternity humor gifts that I made with her in mind. No salamander references, though. (Click on the image if you know someone who might li...
It’s that time of month again… Let me rephrase that… Here’s another set of funny charting errors for you laugh about. Chart Farts® (: real stuff. real charts :)
The call bell rings and it takes forever for the nurse to get there. But don’t blame the nurse, blame the overseers. They’re concerned with documentation, not patient care. You don’t need to actually do any nursing with diligence and care… You just have to rush through it and then spend hours documenting that you did it. There’s no time for call bells… that is, until some disconnected committee declares that call bell to room entry times need documentation too. And that, of course, will have a form, too.
Got an idea for a caption to go beneath this image of a call bell? Let us know. If we use your nursing comic caption, we’ll send you a funny “From the Call Bell” magnet (from the GiggleMed medical humor gift store).
We're midway through another month... so here are some more funny charting errors for you giggle about. Chart Farts® (: real stuff. real charts :)
OK, it's time to revisit Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Last time, we looked at nurses. But this time we're going to examine some habits of those doctors that get right under our skin, the annoying ones that everyone complains about, the doctors that are nowhere to be found in Mr. Covey's book. Just to help you identify the people we are talking about, here are the 7 Habits of Highly Annoying Doctors:
We've all heard of Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. But what about all of those people that we work with in health care?... you know... those people that are nowhere to be found in Mr. Covey's book. Just to make sure we're all talking about the same people, here are the 7 Habits of Highly Annoying Nurses:
Feel free to add others for consideration. Send us an email or just post a comment below. For those annoying nurses that took offense to this post... two things: (1) If you do three or more of the above, you have no one to blame but yourself, and (2) the next post is one that you'll love - The 7 Habits of Highly Annoying Doctors. :0)
There are lots of things that leave you thinking, “TMI” when reading some tweets from the world of Twitter. And that’s fine… you wanna post something on Twitter, fine. Just do us all a favor and spare us these 21 Things You Should Never Tweet About Your Health:
I was thinking... then, I got to wondering... What would some of my favorite shows as a kid have looked like through the eyes of a specialist? I mean, everywhere I look I feel like I'm seeing medical disorders... so, what do the specialists see?Â
Dukes of Biohazard | ID |
Butts Happening | GI |
Flabby Days | Bariatrics, Endo |
Nosie and the Pussycats | Allergists |
Stuperman | ICU, Toxicology, Addiction med, Anesthesia |
Pooperman | GI |
PeeMan & the Masters of the Universe | Urology |
Fatman (and Shoppin') | Bariatrics, Endo |
C*A*S*H | All |
99232 | Billing |
Got some more to add to the list? Post them in the comments below...
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