Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Woman
Here’s a sample from GiggleMed’s funny list of Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Woman
- You might want to get off of that thing, I think there’s weight limit
- Did you ever see Alien?
- I see swollen people
- I’m sure you’re having a boy… Women become much more beautiful when they’re having girls
- When can I come by for the placenta?
- Pregnant?! How did that happen?
- For you, the puffy and edematous look is quite becoming.
- You really shouldn’t complain so much… There are some species of salamanders that can remain pregnant for up to 38 months.
- Are you sure you’re only nine months pregnant?
- It is amazing how closely your ankles resemble the trunk of this one tree in my front yard.
- I’ll betcha I can hold my urine longer than you
- It looks like you only have one more month to go
- Yeah, but it’s a good kind of fat
- As soon as you give birth, these are the days you’ll miss
- Did you see that documentary on elephant seals last night?
- So… you must be having twins
- Did they say it was human?
- It was an inney before, wasn’t it?

Got more? Post them in the comments below.