Impaction Humor – Is There Such a Thing?

Things You Never Want to Hear During a Disimpaction

Got a Funny Story? Get This Impaction Humor Manual Free

Get This Hilarious Impaction Manual… Just Tell Me Something First :)

OK. You might think this is cheesy. But I’m going to issue a blatant free bribe… Here it goes: I will give you the funny report/download 25 Things You Never Want To Hear During a Disimpaction if you just tell me one of two things…

1 – Give me feedback on the GiggleMed sites – good or bad – just tell me what you think.


2 – Tell me a funny healthcare story… anything that happened to you or a colleague.

That’s it. Not too bad, huh? I mean, does it get any better than this? You tell me how much you love my stuff and I send you a free disimpaction manual. Even though I’m totally deceiving you with the picture having a spiral bound manual, you still know this is a sweet deal. So hop to it. Laughter is the best laxative (that’s how it goes, right?). 

==> Click Here Now To Get Started <==

Certainly a disimpaction manual is better than a manual disimpaction.

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Chart Fart Art ™ – Iatrogenic Paranoia

Before getting to this comic… I have to just take a moment and say THANK YOU. The feedback all of you have been sending in has been overwhelming. It is truly appreciated and it is that kind of stuff that keeps us going :) In case you want to let us know how you feel about our sites, here’s the link again: Tell Us How You Feel and Get A Free Gift…

Anyway, it’s time for another flatus hiatus…

You’ve come to know Chart Fart Art™ by now, I’m sure. We take a medical malapropism from the Chart Farts® collection and make it into a comic. Here’s the latest…

I follow him for his paranoia :)

If I were an insurance company… I’d be pissed.

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Emergency Room – A Patient’s Perspective

Very funny video from a patient’s perspective on an emergency room visit. Comedian Brian Regan tackles triage, the pain scale, opiates, & the pain of childbirth.

The pain scale riff is awesome… (so run and tell that, JCAHO.)

By the way, check out the GiggleMed pain scale humor in the medical humor store.

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Manhood in the Mirror – Hilarious Educational Video from ZDoggMD

Back in 2013, I attended the TEDMED conference where I was happy to see a ZDoggMD song at the Kennedy Center Opera House. They showed his hilarious educational video about self-examination for testicular cancer – Manhood in the Mirror.

For more ZDoggMD medical humor, check out his sites:

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Bowel Run – Hilarious Medical Humor Game Reminds Us About Colon Cancer Screening

Funny Medical iPhone Game - Bowel Run

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month! Why not dive right in, literally, with Bowel Run… the funny new medical humor running game from

Almost like your own fantastic voyage up the bowel tract shooting polyps, destroying cancerous masses, and of course, jumping over caverns of stool.

Get your feet wet and your hands dirty with Bowel Run.

Funny sound effects. Addicting game play.

Are you prepped?

Download Bowel Run now. The waiting room will never be the same.

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Tarzan M.D. – King of the Healthcare Jungle – Episode 03

Tarzan M.D. weighs in on hand washing (and trunk washing).
Healthcare comics - Tarzan MD funny hand washing advice

Oh… and just FYI… If any of my residents ever grab my rear like that while we’re on rounds… Yep, you’re outta here (hand washing or not).

Feel free to use Tarzan MD images in your talks and presentations (as long as you include the attribution to Just right click on the image & choose “Save As…”. And if you like them enough to use them in your talks, well, then why not buy some Tarzan MD gifts:

funny medical humor gifts and comics

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Colon Cancer Awareness – Butt Meddler (Dr Raymond) At It Again

Dr. Patricia Raymond is the coolest GI doc on the planet. She’s back reminding her patients about colon cancer screening.

Dr. Raymond is a gastroenterologist and is the founder of Your Health Choice and Rx for Sanity. She is also the author of the book, Colonoscopy Is A Gas!.

Go buy her book, read it in the waiting room while you wait for your colonoscopy, and then connect with Dr. Raymond online:

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Hospital Humor Video – ER vs Medicine

Is your hospital struggling with throughput? Patients in the hallway in the ER? Residents taking waaaay too long to come to admit patients? Medical attendings being difficult to reach? Or hospitalists fighting admissions?

Well, watch this hilarious Medicine vs ER Star Trek parody video by ZDoggMD. If you understand the jokes in it, you are a step ahead in understanding some of the unspoken truths of hospital throughput:

Check out Z Dogg MD’s YouTube channel and his blog.

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Work Hour Limits For Interns? What About Us?

NAAAPS - Work Hour Limits humor from

Feel free to use this image in talks, presentations, on blogs, etc. All we ask is that you give attribution to

Connect with us on:

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Tarzan M.D. – King of the Healthcare Jungle – Episode 02

Before we needed healthcare reform… before Joint Commission (you know, the Good Ole Days)… before the FDA… before insurance companies… there was one physician to lead us through the healthcare jungle – Tarzan, M.D. (and soon to be introduced, Jane DO). In Episode 2, we find him offering smoking cessation advice. Those twigs kinda smell funny, give the patient the munchies, and do wonders for his glaucoma. Healthcare comics - Tarzan MD funny smoking cessation advice

See Tarzan MD’s 1st patient here – Tarzan MD – Episode 1

Feel free to use Tarzan MD images in your talks and presentations (as long as you include the attribution to Just right click on the image & choose “Save As…”. And if you like them enough to use them in your talks, well, then why not buy some Tarzan MD gifts:funny medical humor gifts and comics

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