Manhood in the Mirror ā€“ Hilarious Educational Video from ZDoggMD

Back in 2013, I attended the TEDMED conference where I was happy to see a ZDoggMD song at the Kennedy Center Opera House. They showed his hilarious educational video about self-examination for testicular cancer – Manhood in the Mirror.

For more ZDoggMD medical humor, check out his sites:

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EMTs Bust A Move During An Emergency

I wish the EMTs at my hospital could present patients like this…

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Living With A Hernia ā€“ Funny Weird Al Video

Funny medical music parody of life with a hernia by Weird Al Yankovic. Especially funny for medical professionals because he actually covers quite a bit of relevant material.

You can see other funny medical humor versions of songs here: 

Medical Humor – Music Parody

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Funny Colonoscopy Reminder Video ā€“ Lookin Up My Back Door

This medical humor video was submitted by Dr. Patricia Raymond (AKA “Butt Meddler”) just in time for Colon Cancer Awareness Month. “Lookin’ Up My Back Door” is a friendly, funny way of reminding people about their screening colonoscopy. Check it out:

Even more so after this video, I remain a strong advocate for changing the name of GoLytely to GoProfusely.

Dr. Raymond is a gastroenterologist and is the founder of Your Health Choice and Rx for Sanity. She is also the author of the book, Colonoscopy Is A Gas!.

Go buy her book, read it in the waiting room while you wait for your colonoscopy, and then connect with Dr. Raymond online:

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Puffy the Respiratory Therapist ā€“ Holiday Medical Humor Song

OK… Time for a little holiday humor.

This time, though, we’re going to poke funny at our respiratory therapy friends… especially those who still, ironically, smoke. If that’s you, take this song as motivation to quit.

“Puffy the RT” is a GiggleMed original put to the “tune” of Frosty the Snowman. You will notice “tune” is in quotes. That’s simply because of my mad skills in singing. I had to channel my inner South Philly.

If any of you have singing skills or think it would be funny to sing this song as a group… make a video and send it our way. (But if you use these lyrics, you must give attribution to with something like “Lyrics by” or “Inspired by the Lyrics from”.)
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GI Humor Video Relinked

This colonoscopy humor video was featured on GiggleMed back in the day (in 2008 or something). Anyway, I’m relinking it, because it is truly a classic…

A heavy, rough-around-the-edges nurse, a disco ball, and a colonoscope… Just think of the possibilities… The look on Damon Wayans’ face is priceless.

Patients already say some funny things during conscious sedation, what if Lou Rawls was putting you under like this? Imagine the things you’d say.

Want a disco ball for your next endoscopy? Get Your Scope On.

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Funny Medical Music Parody ā€“ Iā€™m At A Code

As if July being just around the corner and preparations for new interns weren’t enough… check out this video. It’s a whole new generation running your codes folks… a whole new generation.

Found this medical humor video on YouTube (thanks @thecarotidpulse):

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Gas Man ā€“ Funny Medical Music Parody

Another hilarious healthcare music parody video from our friends, the Laryngospasms.

Go to their site here: Laryngospasms.

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Hilarious Medical Humor Music Video ā€“ Breathe

Our friend Doug is bringing up the bass in this Laryngospasms classic… Breathe

Your favorite songs will never be the same… never.

If you don’t have the Laryngospasms’ CDs, you’re missing out. And if you’re planning an event for the healthcare community, you should invite them for a live performance. Go to their site here: Laryngospasms.

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The Power of Glove

The power of gloves is a curious thing
Make one doc safe, and another nurse clean
Reduces risk from things you didn’t think of
More than policy, that’s the power of gloves

You don’t want MRSA, or C.diff
Don’t want fluids or a really big whiff
Takes time to wear ’em. It’s annoying sometimes
But it might just save your life
That’s the power of gloves
That’s the power of gloves

(full audio coming soon… tons of medical humor songs)

patient acting lethargic

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