Medical Humor to Reduce Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI)?

Hospital acquired infection, healthcare associated infection… the name keeps changing, but who cares what we call it (as long as we keep the abbreviation the same – HAI – for the sake of The Literature and all of these signs we’ve made).

Healthcare associated infection is, of course, a huge concern. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), catheter-associated infections (central lines, Foleys, etc), C. diff, MRSA, and many others (here’s a HAI list from the CDC).

At, we applaud the efforts of Kimberly-Clark Corporation in creating the HAI Watchdog Community (but not so much in the sturdiness of the Scott toilet paper my wife bought in bulk from Sam’s… that’s a gripe for another day) as it seems to be one of the better efforts at reducing such infections without instilling fear in the masses that we’re being invaded.

But of course, we think one of the best ways to educate people and influence them to change for the better, is through humor. So naturally, we changed some of their signs around:

Funny Healthcare Associated Infection Awareness Poster

Funny Healthcare Associated Infection Awareness Poster

We also like to use such efforts to shamelessly plug our educational medical humor/humorous medical education products:

Funny Healthcare Associated Infection Awareness Poster


Funny Healthcare Associated Infection Awareness Poster

Check out these (Not-So Funny) HAI resources:

Disclaimer: has absolutely no financial relationship with Kimberly-Clark or any other large corporation (yet). But if they (or any of their competitors) would like to ask us about co-branding our Bugs on Scrubs text, we’d certainly consider it :) Hint, hint… nudge, nudge… wink, wink.


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