Push it one more time… you know you want to…
Some people eat, sleep, and drink medicine… eat, sleep, and drink nursing… eat, sleep, and drink surgery… or whatever their healthcare field is. They seemed to know what they wanted from the very beginning.
And these people can stress you out quite a bit. If you’re about to start your internship and you are still undecided about your future… or if you’re a nurse about to finish your clinicals and enter the work force… these Obi-Wan Kenobi types can be pretty annoying. (Gotta squeeze some Star Wars references in there… how could I not?… destiny?… Star Wars day?… anyway, click the audio and think of Good ‘ol Ben).
It would be nice if we could know who these people were before they even said a word… Introducing a new medical humor series from GiggleMed.com – a series of doctor jokes and comics related to subspecialty… Doctors of Destiny :)
Push it one more time… you know you want to…
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